tag:Phil Stanyer Archives | Page 2 of 5 | West Coast Toyota
Joey is Ready for a Summer Outdoors in His Tacoma TRD

Joey fancies himself a bit of an outdoorsy type so it’s no surprise he is “One Happy Camper” after picking up his Metallic Grey 2019 Toyota Tacoma TRD Off-Road Access Cab from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. Thank you for your business and may you “en-Joey” many miles of driving in your new Tacoma! […]
Simon Rides in the Style of His RAV4 XLE | Greater Vancouver, BC
Simon is singing a great tune after picking up his black 2019 Toyota RAV4 XLE AWD from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. Thank you for your business, Simon!
Corbin Finds the Space He Needs in a Prius Prime
Corbin is living proof that somebody 6' 11" can fit into a 2018 Toyota Prius Prime that he recently picked up from his Product Advisor Phil Stanyer! So if you see a really tall guy in the HOV lane in a silver Prime it's Corbin! Congratulations Corbin, from the team at West Coast Toyota.
John Embraces the Luxury of a Tacoma | Greater Vancouver, BC
John drives a food services truck for a living and now he has a beautiful 2018 Toyota Tacoma to enjoy the ride to and from work! Your salesperson Phil Stanyer says "enjoy it everywhere you go big fella and thank you for your business!"
Ryan and Olenna Gear Up in a 4Runner | Greater Vancouver, BC

Aircraft mechanic Ryan and his wife Olenna (can't you tell she's the grounded one! Lol!) are all smiles after picking up their 2019 Toyota 4Runner Nightshade Edition from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. This is also Olenna's first new car! Thank you both for your business, we know you'll enjoy your 4Runner for a long […]
Nick Takes His Tacoma Up North
Just before driving off to start his career as a paramedic in Northern British Columbia, Nick picked up his 2017 Toyota Tacoma from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer who wanted to add that he's appreciative of your business and the people of Northern British Columbia are very lucky to have you! All the best Nick! […]
John and Samantha are Set in Their RAV4 Hybrid
Gone Fishin' or is that Fishin' Gone?...repeat customer John is a new father so why not buy a new car! John and family are thrilled with this silver 2018 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid XLE AWD purchased with the help of Product Advisor Phil Stanyer! Now that John will be spending more time around the house he […]
Behnam is Feeling Great in His 4Runner Off Road Edition
Behnam is looking and feeling good after picking up his 2018 Toyota 4Runner Off Road Edition from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. In fact, Behnam told us it was the most enjoyable vehicle purchase he's ever had! Right back atcha' Behnam! Thank you for your business and enjoy your 4Runner!
Tam is Overjoyed in Her Highlander Limited
Tam may look composed beside her husband Oliver after picking up her new 2017 Toyota Highlander Limited from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer but she is out of this world with happiness! This is their family’s fifth vehicle from West Coast Toyota! We thank you very much for your business and we hope that all the […]
First Time is the Charm for Tiffany and her Prius
Don’t let the calm exterior fool you. Tiffany Yuet is soooooo excited because she just bought her first new car, a 2017 Toyota Prius Liftback Touring Edition- from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer! We’re so proud of you Tiffany and we know you’ll enjoy your new ride for years to come. Thank you for your business!
Chelsey is Overjoyed With Her Red Tacoma
Chelsey Fendelet may change the colour of her hair from time to time but there was not a doubt in her mind she wanted an automatic 2017 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab Short Box Off-Road Edition in RED and there will be no changing that. While picking up her new baby from product advisor Phil Stanyer […]
Cheerio to Marc in His Barcelona Red Corolla IM
Although he couldn't get British Racing Green, Barcelona Red will do just fine said repeat customer Marc Butler after picking up his 2017 Toyota Corolla IM from his Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. It's never been proven but Marc just may be the inspiration for the movie character Austin Powers! Groovy Baby!!!
Pauline is a Happy Camper in Her Corolla
Long time West Coast Toyota customer Pauline is driving away in her first brand 'new' Toyota, a 2017 Toyota Corolla, with the help of her salesperson Kelly Heiling. Pauline has been a Toyota customer since 2011, Phil Stanyer was always very helpful to her in the past. Thank you for your continued support and […]
Ya Raj Vzvolnovan!
Ya raj vzvolnovan! That's Russian for I'm so excited and contractor Roman Lazutochkin is abuzz with excitement after picking up his 2017 Toyota 4Runner Off Road edition from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. Spasibo or thank you Roman, may you enjoy many years of driving your new 4Runner and thank you for your business!
Heather Embraces Sustainability With a RAV4 Hybrid
Educator Heather Kennedy is excited to learn about the benefits of sustainable technology after picking up her 2017 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid Limited from product advisor Phil Stanyer. Thank you very much for your business, Heather!
Konstantin Elevates Business With a Tundra Limited
In Uzbekistan, the country of origin for Konstantin Gorshkov of MEK Enterprises, Tabriklaymiz means Congratulations and that is our message to you brother as you picked up your 2017 Toyota Tundra Double Cab Limited from your Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. We also want to say Katta rahmat or Thank you very much for putting your trust […]
Steve and His Family Radiate Joy in Their Tacoma
Steve McGinley has never been happier! With his three favourite girls (his wife and two daughters), he picks up their new 2017 Toyota Tacoma double cab Sport Upgrade Package from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. This is the perfect vehicle for their family and their smiles are living proof of their happiness. A beautiful truck for […]
All Right, All Right, All Right!
Shell Nath is one happy young man after picking up his new 2016 Toyota Corolla LE CVT upgrade package from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. This budding electrician assures us he will stay on right side of the wiring! Thank you for your business Shell.
Jamie is Flying High in Her New Highlander Hybrid!
Jamie Burns is flying high after purchasing her 2017 Toyota Highlander Hybrid Limited from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. This busy lower mainland mom is so excited to finally take delivery of her new Highlander Hybrid and the future is certainly bright for the Burns family. Happy trails guys and thank you again.
Mia is Doing the Happy Dance at West Coast Toyota!
Mia Wessels with her son in tow, is doing a happy dance after picking up her grey 2017 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab TRD Sport Upgrade Package from Product Advisor, Phil Stanyer. Thank you very much for your business Mia. Cut a rug!
Steve is Ready to Rock 'n Roll!
Steve Deakin is feeling the music now that he has purchased his new 2017 Double Cab Limited from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. Thank you for your business Steve!
Kevin's Ready to Put Glorious Miles on His Tacoma!
Kevin Peters is still in shock after picking up his 2017 Double Cab Limited Toyota Tacoma from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. Bought it the same day he first stepped into the dealership! Thank you Kevin and may you enjoy many glorious miles with your new truck.
John's Ready to Tear Up the Road!
"Long" John Tedder is all excited about his 2017 Toyota Tacoma double cab TRD he purchased from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer and he is ready to "tear up the road" in his new truck. Thanks for your business John!
Happy Trails to Earl and His New Tacoma TRD!
Earl Aust is pumped up about his 2017 Toyota Tacoma TRD Off Road Access Cab he bought from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. If you're heading south, you just may see him on the interstate towing a trailer loaded with a boat, the Tacoma with a quad in the box and a Harley! Give him a […]
One Lucky Man!
Drew McColl is so happy he was able to obtain one of the last 2016 Toyota Tacoma's in BC from Product Advisor Phil Stanyer. And we thank you very much for your business Drew and sincerely hope you enjoy your truck for years to come!